The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach


The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach


A signed, paperback copy of the third book in The Adventures of Zelda chapter book series. 

Author day books will be delivered on the day of the event or books can be shipped anywhere in the U.S.A.

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The adventures continue with double the sneezes, wrinkles, and slobber…

I am not an ordinary pug. I have the wrinkles, smashed face, and curly tail of a pug, but the similarities stop there. Instead of sleeping or eating my days away, I prefer to gather acorns for my squirrel friend Squeaks, solve the mystery of the leaf pile, or hide bones throughout the house.

Now I have a sister. Her name is Peach, and we tell of our adventures together. We meet a giant mutant rabbit, try to catch a pesky squirrel, and survive a crab attack. Kids and adults alike smile and laugh as they read about our adventures, and rumor has it that families are more likely to adopt a pug after reading any of my books. The world will be a better place with more wrinkles and curly tails in it!

The Adventures of Zelda is an exciting and hilarious chapter book series for young readers (ages 7 and up).